Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gross National Happiness

The idea and/or policy of Gross National Happiness in Bhutan has been quite controversial ever since the policy was discussed and implemented by the King as a result of the refugee situation. I thought I would use a blog posting to share a bit of information about the history of the policy. In 2000, King Jugme Singye Wangchuk of Bhutan announced his idea and/or policy of Gross National Happiness as one that would serve to unify the Bhutanese people and would remain part of the long-term development plan for the country. Included below is an excerpt form the Bhutan Human Development Report that helps to explain this concept of Gross National Happiness:

"If happiness is among the cherished goals of development, then it does matter how this happiness is generated, what causes it, what goes with it, and how it is distributed - whether it is enjoyed by a few or shared by all…

Bhutan seeks to establish a happy society, where people are safe, where everyone is guaranteed a decent livelihood, and where people enjoy universal access to good education and health care. It is a society where there is no pollution and violation of the environment, where there is no aggression and war, where inequalities do not exist, and where cultural values get strengthened every day. (…) A happy society is one where people enjoy freedoms, where there is no oppression, where art, music, dance, drama and culture flourish.

Ultimately a happy society is a caring society, caring for the past and future, caring for the environment and caring for those who need protection…"

As I mentioned above, this policy has and continues to be highly controversial because hundreds of thousands of Bhutanese were being forced out of a country that was supposedly promoting national happiness for all citizens at the time that the policy was implemented. Gross National Happiness for some but not for all--- does that sound more fitting with the past and present state of affairs in Bhutan?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this! It's amazing to me that so many people overlook this hypocrisy. When I do a google search for GNH all I get is how Bhutan is "the happiest place on earth", and no mention whatsoever that the same man who implemented this policy also implemented the displacement of over 100,000 South Bhutanese, who not quite so happy.
